You thought I was kidding about starting Madli's shawl, didn't you? Well, when I finish the Shaped Triangle (I'm at the halfway point of the edging now), I'd be down to just one project on the needles. Just one. (I'm not counting the pair of baby socks I need to finish up for charity because that will go really fast if I ever just sit down to it. And I'm not counting the spindling I'm doing for yet another shawl because that's technically not on the needles yet, now is it?) So it would be just one project actually on the needles; I had to start something else.
Of course, yarn came today for another soon-to-be project, the Market Bag from Bags: A Knitter's Dozen. The Merino Style from Knit Picks worked so well on my mom's
felted purse that I wanted to try it for mine. Here it is: Mint (really green, a bit brighter than the catalog - think Saint Patrick's Day green), Rhubarb (red-pink), Vanilla (self-explanatory), Honey (a muted golden yellow), and Cornflower (a lavender purple). I think the green might actually be a little too bright for the other colors; it is much brighter in real life than in the picture. I should have tried Tide Pool. Oh, well, I'm sure I'll have to place another order sometime.

Of course, something that's going to interfere with all those projects is the new Xbox game I bought today – Jade Empire.