Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nothing but a Hound Dog

We went to the local gardening center this weekend for gardening supplies. Gardening supplies only, mind you. I have some tomato seeds coming soon and I want to get them started as soon as they arrive, so I had to have some potting soil and peat moss, etc.

Well, you know how fairs and such occasionally have adoption tables set up? Our center was having an open house complete with beekeepers and adoption tables. Guess what we came home with.

Sammy is a Plott Hound. He's twelve-weeks-old, nearly 20 pounds, and a really sweet, energetic dog. He had a good vet visit today and he's already very much a part of the family. He's going to be in puppy classes soon, but he seems to be a pretty quick study. Julie seems to not be put-out with our new addition, but she's also not exactly cozying up to him. He's already learning that she isn't interested in playing and if he'll just sniff, she's okay with it. She can't see or hear very well though, so he tends to sneak up on her a bit.

I'll try to get some pictures of Julie up tomorrow. She's very camera shy though; she hears the camera open and she runs (she can't hear much else, but she can hear that).

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Blogger Sarah-potterknitter said...

Great looking dog! You can't beat a hound dog. We stopped and looked at the pet adoptions last week. My dad is in the market for a cat. We held and petted several 6 week old kittens and boxer puppies but managed to come home empty handed. Whew!

2:01 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

What a sweetie! Congrats on the new arrival.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Plott spot? Is it named Scott? Do you take the rot out for a dogtrott?

If it had puppies would they be subplotts? (April Fools. Fuz.)

12:10 PM  
Blogger Opal said...

Sammy is a sweetheart! What a darling. :)

5:34 AM  
Anonymous Angel said...

Oh let's hear it for the hounds!!! A a hound-lover myself, I say yea!!! (Chloe is half beagle- although you can't tell by looking at her)

He has a sweet face- love the big hound eyes!

1:38 PM  

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