Saturday, February 11, 2006

Knitting Olympics

Okay, first full day and I have yet to decide if I'm participating in the Olympics. I know, very lame, but I couldn't resist waiting to start on the Clapotis. All the shawls I would like to do will take a LOT longer than the allotted two weeks. (I mean who can do a Shetland style shawl in two weeks? Size 2 needles? Maybe if I gave up eating and sleeping and spending time with my family I'd get halfway done.) And there's Bella, but I don't have the yarn for it just yet. I've discovered no matter how hard I try, I can't be loyal to just one project at a time, so technically just about anything I start would be a trial to finish because it wouldn't be the only thing I'm working on. The only time I'm loyal to a project is when I'm very close to finishing, then I get very focused.

Maybe I should just set a personal goal for myself - to finish Clapotis and the Landscape Shawl as well as finish spinning two ounces of the Black Cherry merino/angora. That sounds like a challenging goal to me (especially because I'll very likely get distracted by something else before the Olympics are over.) I'm not officially bowing out yet though. I might yet come up with something to start and finish before it's over.

Clapotis progress: I've gotten to drop three stitches and think I like how it's turning out in laceweight. I promise I'll give more details about the Clapotis in laceweight as I get a bit further along.


Blogger Chris said...

Well, that's one of the cool things about the Knitting Olympics - you get to figure out what's a challenge for YOU. :)

12:20 PM  
Blogger chris said...

I'm very interested in finding out how you like the Clapotis in laceweight. That was something that I'd been interested in doing but shied away from, as I'd never seen anyone knit it in laceweight before. If you decide to go for it with the Olympics, I'll be cheering you on! Take care! :-)

5:08 PM  

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